Bamboo Species of Nicaragua

4 genera, 9 species


Nicaragua is a country with relatively few species of native bamboos but with widespread Guadua species covering the eastern alluvial plains. The genus Guadua includes four species: Guadua amplexifolia, Guadua aculeata, Guadua macclurei and Guadua paniculata.

Guadua amplexifolia occurs in greatest abundance in eastern Nicaragua, in a narrow but more or less continuous band along the rivers emptying into the Caribbean between Puerto Cabezas and Bluefields. Occasionally, it occurs in openings in the forest either as pure stands or mixed with trees and shrubs. It is known to the Mesquite community as "cauro" and is used in local construction.

Guadua amplexifolia covers an estimated area of 12,000 ha; the largest Guadua forests were found along the rivers Prinzapolca, Wawa, Coco and Rio Grande. It is probable that the most preserved bamboo area is in the north-eastern part of the country.

In 1945, Guadua angustifolia was introduced from the Canal Zone, Panama, into the Agricultural Experimental Station E1 Recreo in Bluefields, where other exotic bamboos were also introduced.

It can be said that Nicaragua is a country where government and private institutions have made intensive efforts to explore and develop its bamboo resources.

Native Bamboo Species of Nicaragua

Arthrostylidium excelsum∅ 3 mm⇑ 5 m
Arthrostylidium venezuelae∅ 30 mm⇑ 10 m
Chusquea simpliciflora∅ 10 mm⇑ 25 m
Guadua amplexifolia∅ 100 mm⇑ 15 m
Guadua aculeata∅ 200 mm⇑ 30 m
Guadua macclurei∅ 40 mm⇑ 15 m
Guadua paniculata∅ 70 m⇑ 10 m
Rhipidocladum pacuarense∅ 30 mm⇑ 12 m
Rhipidocladum pittieri∅ 10 mm⇑ 10 m
Rhipidocladum racemiflorum∅ 10 mm⇑ 15 m

Source: INBAR

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