Dendrocalamus membranaceus

Dendrocalamus membranaceus also known as Waya Bamboo and formerly classified as “Bambusa membranacea” is a medium-sized tropical clumping bamboo originating from Southeast Asia. This bamboo species is a good source for paper pulp and has edible shoots.

Plant Info
Scientific NameDendrocalamus membranaceus
SynonymsBambusa membranacea
Common NamesWaya Bamboo, White Bamboo
Height10 - 18 m
Diameter6 - 10 cm
Growth HabitClumping
ClimateTropical - Subtropical
Edibility (3 of 5)
Flowering Cycle18-20 years
OriginBangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
UsesConstruction, Furniture, Basketry, Matting, Handicrafts, Laminated Boards, Handicrafts, Paper Pulp


Dendrocalamus membranaceus is a moderate-sized, strong bamboo forming loose clump. Culms are straight and usually between 20-24 m high and 6-10 cm in diameter. Internodes are 22-38 cm long and covered with a white powdery deciduous scurf when young, but green on maturity. Nodes are strongly ringed and basal nodes show rootlets.


Several to many clustered branches with 1-3 larger dominant branches. The upper branches are slender and bare many leaves.


Lance-shaped leaves which are on average between 12-25 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm broad. 


Flowering of this species was last reported in 1992 and 1994 from North-Eastern India.


Dendrocalamus membranaceus prefers laterite and black limestone soils, and is most found in tropical mixed deciduous or monsoon forest below 1,000 m altitude. 


This bamboo is used for building purposes, furniture, bamboo board, agricultural implements, slat traps, matting, chopsticks, basketry, handicrafts, and as props for fruit trees. It is also one of the most promising species for pulp. Shoots are edible and consumed as a vegetable.


Dendrocalamus membranaceus Distribution Map - Source: Kew Science

Dendrocalamus membranaceus Distribution Map - Source: Kew Science

Native to:

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

Introduced into:

Puerto Rico, Sumatra

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Stéphane Schröder

Guadua Bamboo SAS


Neololeba atra


Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata'